Amena 24th January 2019

Simply put, Tony Frew was a true inspiration in the world of allergy. He was inclusive and forward thinking when Andy Wardlaw was BSACI president and he(among others) supported inviting a Nurse onto the BSACI council in 2004 ( At a time when there was no other allied HCP representation) and also worked alongside Jan Chantrell and I in getting a Nurses conference onto the programme when EAACI came to London. It was the largest Allied health professionals meeting to have taken place at an EAACI conference. He was kind with his advice and funny with his sometimes dry sense of humour, he gave his time willingly, but did not suffer fools gladly and I was in awe of his vast knowledge. The medical profession was all the richer for having the type of doctor that Tony Frew was. RIP knowing what a credit you were to your profession and family.